The Enterprise

The Study of engineering Avagnina started his professional career in January of 2004, on the initiative of David Avagnina. The experience gained during the years of work carried out at the Department of Electronics of the Politecnico di Torino (research group NavSAS) has resulted in the birth of this young and dynamic business operating in the field of advanced and innovative technologies, as well as the regulations governing the same.

Since its establishment, the firm has the technical headquartered in Mondovi, Cuneo province, city of origin of its proprietor. The non-random selection of the location of development activities, and develop professionalism characterize, is due to the search for a space on a human scale, where quality of life is in harmony with the business needs, as indispensable contribution to create a professional environment stimulating and lively.

Since August 2009, the Professional Studio has a second headquarters located in Verbania, province of Verbania, by virtue of the service offering entrepreneurship of this territory since 2007.

With the belief that the diversity of skills is the key to success in customer service, the business pursues technological development as the goal, innovation by choice….

Con la convinzione che la poliedricità delle competenze sia la chiave del successo nel servizio al cliente, l’attività persegue lo sviluppo tecnologico come obiettivo, l’innovazione per scelta.

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