Preliminary analysis of the functional requirements and evaluation of the relative fabbiasogno technological planning of architectural solutions, design and consultancy services for the construction of infrastructure for small, medium and large companies, both in public and in private settings.
The design and development of infrastructure client / server avvienenell’ambito the most current and reliable working environments, ranging from Microsoft platforms, Mac OS and Linux, in view of meeting the most diverse business needs depending on the context of application.
The design, sizing and fitting of servers with advanced features for document archives, communications services, web, ftp, and email, as well as storage and advanced backup, are based on the latest hardware architectures currently available on the market, searching for the most professional components, both in terms of performance, both as regards the reliability and the after-sales support offered by the manufacturers / distributors.
La progettazione, il dimensionamento el’allestimento di server con funzionalità evolute di archivio documentale, servizi di comunicazione web, ftp e mail, nonché storage e backup avanzati, sono basati sulle più recenti architetture hardware attualmente disponibili sul mercato, ricercando la componentistica più professionale, sia in termini di prestazioni, sia per quanto concerne l’affidabilità e il supporto post-vendita offerto dai costruttori/distributori.