Periodically the Study Avagnina research skills of middle and high profile in the technology sector, such as to follow specific activities of design and prototype development. The ultimate aim is to consolidate the organization specific professionals, equipped with versatility and adequate intellectual dynamism, in line with business requirements. The experience is not always of primary importance, it is always after the good will, dowry deemed essential within the staff.
We encourage people interested in any employment opportunities to make contact with the firm, whilst simultaneously sending by e-mail, of their curriculum vitae, duly signed with a handwritten signature, at the bottom of exposing the same authorization, recognized by ‘nominee to the Study of Ingegneira Avagnina, the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree no. n. 196/2003 and succesive modifications. In the absence of such consent, the firm will Avagnina impossibilito to retain such documentation, smaltendola in compliance with the provisions relating to the processing of personal data and privacy.